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Governing AI in Africa: Policy frameworks for a new frontier

Embracing the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) is central to our vision for Africa’s future. AI will revolutionize the way we do business across the African continent. This revolution transcends mere technological advancement; it marks a strategic turning point wherein AI will be leveraged as a catalyst for sustainable growth and chart a course towards a future...

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AGRICULTURE ‘2020 to 2030 Will Be The Decade Of Agri-Tech’

On a farm in southwestern Kenya, in the small town of Kisii, a field agent reads data off a yellow square-shaped monitor, which has wires running into a smaller device connecting to the soil. It takes him about five minutes to read data regarding the soil’s PH, water levels, and disease and pests found on it. In almost two minutes, the data is sent to the farmer.

The field...

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Local Farmers to benefit as Food Security Platform Ujuzikilimo Partners With Venture Capital Firm

Local small scale farmers are set will benefit for Sh18million worth of technical support as part of a social-economic recovery initiative by an agricultural technology solutions provider.

The agricultural technology solutions firm UjuziKilimo has received support from Wadson Ventures; an Africa focused early-stage venture capital house.

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UjuziKilimo Founder Brian Bosire on agricultural entrepreneurship in Kenya

"An agricultural technology company that brings precision farming technology to small scale farmers in Kenya, enabling them produce more from their farm, curbing hunger and food insecurity.  Using sensors and data analytics to provide precision farming knowledge to smallscale farmers." Bosire talks to CNBC Africa. 

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How Africa can lead the way in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Take agriculture. Start-up UjuziKilimo provides tailored recommendations on planting via text...

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Young Africans chart new path for agriculture as climate heats up

"My first dream was to have some device that any farmer - like my mother or a village woman - could just stick into the ground, and within a few minutes get the precise information about what kind of inputs they need, what kinds of crops will do well, and where can they get those inputs," he said.

The service is operated by extension agents who test the soil and send...

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Sensor-based soil testing gives real-time results

When farmers met earlier this year for Innovation Week at the University of Nairobi, most of them gathered around a stand where Dennis Rapong’o, an attendant, demonstrated how to use Ujuzi kit, a sensor-based soil testing system.

Rapong’o held a yellow instrument the size and make of a tablet in his hand that had a chord he inserted into the ground to demonstrate to...

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How Digital Technology Is Changing Farming in Africa

For example, UjuziKilimo, a Kenyan startup, uses big data and analytic capabilities to transform farmers into a knowledge-based community, with the goal of improving productivity through precision insights. This helps to adjust irrigation and determine the needs of individual plants. The process improves farm productivity and reduces input waste by...

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